last night experoence
Last night at my county fair grounds I got to watch them test chickens for certain diseases. They would prick the inside of the chickens wing a little blood would come out, she took the needle and put the blood on a ceramic tile. After she got the chicken to stop bleeding which only took a couple of seconds she put a special liquid on the blood. The liquid turned the blood a dark purple this is normal. If the blood got clumpy and thick that meant it had a disease. None of the chicken in the barn had disease which is awesome.
When I thought about this it reminded me of when people get blood drawn. They get pricking in the arm (wing) and then there is blood test for many diseases. This didn't hurt the chickens it was just like getting your finger pricked. Everything was sterilized and cleaned many times in the barn to ensure that nothing would get sick or if there was a disease it be transferred. You might think...why am I telling you this?? Because I want people who think doing that hurts and abuse them is just like getting your blood checked. If you have any question about more detail in the process please ask me.

its like getting your blood tested but using less blood.
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