another experience
I haven't worked with cattle long and I have only shown in two shows. So far I love it! The very first time I worked with leading around my heifer, things didn't go well. I was drug across the ground and then lost her. As she was going in circles trying to get free, I had fallen and she almost stepped on my head since she was jumping around. Then I had to hold onto my steer while my cow guy chased after the heifer. He was spooked and I was stressed and then he jumped over a pile of hay and took me into the straw too. Luckily I didn't let him go. I definitely learned from that and I know to never let a calf step on your foot as your walking it because all it does it cause chaos! To this day I still have a scar from the burn that I got from the halter. When I look at it, it reminds me to always be prepared and to show them who is the boss! ha ha

I am sure that I will encounter many more things as I continue to work with cattle!
Farm Safety
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