Raising Sheep and Natural Rhythms

Raising Sheep and Natural Rhythms


Ranching and raising sheep has evolved into a simplified, enjoyable way of life. We do not intensively manage our growing flock. In fact, we do very little with them and prefer it that way.
We take into account that Mother Natures system works. Mother Nature manages to sustain herself day in and day out, with every individual working for the whole and a balanced workload for every individual.

With raising sheep we respect natural rhythms beginning with the following basics:
In a sense, sheep evolved this way. As a species they survived sufficiently enough without barns or two legged surrogate moms or even guardian animals. If sheep can do all of this then sheep ranching just got a little easier and possibly more profitable.
As our good friends taught us, always on our mind is how to make sheep work for us versus us working for the sheep.
This paradigm shift from working excessively hard to keep a ranch going, to making a ranch work for us, has had a tremendous impact on how we operate.

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