Feeding the world: Agricultural Biotechnology

Feeding the world: Agricultural Biotechnology

With a growing population expected to reach 9 billion by the year 2050 agriculturists and engineers need to look at ways to feed this growing population with a sustainable food supply. One might say to simply grow more crops but with a growing population comes a lessening of space to grow these crops. This is why biotech engineers are creating new ways to make crops produce more food efficiently while not always needing as much space or other resources that could come in short supply.

- Agricultural Biotechnology
Agricultural Biotechnology Detail More than a decade of global GM crop cultivation has demonstrated that agricultural biotechnology can, and already does, play a positive role in meeting these challenges. Thanks to the green revolution of the 1960s, the...

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- What Is Agrgiculture Biotechnology?
When a person is always the beginning of plants and animals, we have our food, shelter, clothing, fuel can rely on, after thousands of years, this effort to improve the farmers need to continue meeting our development. Due to population growth and plant...

- What Are The Different Types Of Agriculture Jobs?
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- Sky Farming
By 2025, the world?s population will swell from 6.6 billion to 8 billion people. Climate simulations predict sustained drought for the American Midwest and giant swathes of farmland in Africa and Asia. Is mathematician Thomas Malthus?s 200-year-old prediction,...

