Why Agriculture?

Why Agriculture?

Photo credit: Nellie Kassebaum

Hello all! My name is Kevin Lewis and I am a Mass Media major with an emphasis in public relations here at Washburn University. This blog is going to explore the roles of agriculture in our daily lives as well as provide some current events in the industry that would have an effect on our lives. 

I did not start out living on a farm and just by looking at me you can probably tell. I used to live in a city and I did not have a clue about agriculture. Then my dad got a new job and everything changed. I went from staying at home and doing my homework and not much else, to being super involved in every activity that I could and that included an organization that has shaped my entire perspective about life. 

When I came to rural America I had no idea what FFA was. I was almost certain that it was exclusively for farm kids and I had not been a farm kid for more than a few months. Sure I worked on the farm and drove equipment, but I had no idea about anything beyond that. One day at school I was stopped in the hall by a woman that I had never seen before. After brief introductions I discovered that she was the Ag Ed instructor and FFA Advisor. She asked me why I wasn't in one of her classes and I told her that I had not been a farm kid for very long. She chuckled and told me that I should try one of her classes anyway. 

Flashing forward, after taking one of her classes I joined FFA and I discovered a talent of public speaking. This talent helped me develop speeches based on research which in turn sharpened my research and critical thinking skills. Before I knew it I was writing speeches about GMOs and talking with other FFA members about the Farm Bill. 

I realized that agriculture was not exclusively farming but it is also leadership, public relations, communication, business, science, and technology. I grew a passion for agriculture as well as a respect for those that are a part of the industry. Without people like my dad, uncle, and friends, I would not be wearing that nice suit in the photo above. I would not have a home that I can come home to from college on the weekends. Agriculture is important and that is why this blog exists. To share a passion and respect for agriculture. 

- A Story Of A Ag Student!
I was in the FFA in the 80's when Ag classes and FFA was about agriculture and not credits, we had 30 kids in FFA in a high school with 2000 students. The town we lived in had about 100,000 pepole in it. (3 High schools) We had 2 AG teachers/FFA advisers,...

- Ffa Journeys Part 1
Photo credit: Kristin VinduskaWhat do the movies "Napoleon Dynamite," "Paris, Texas," and "Charlotte's Web" have in common? Well you could watch all three movies back to back, or you could just let me save you some time and tell you about my story...

- Lara Durben And Minnesota Turkey Growers!
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- Small Town Girl - Rosie Sanderson
Today we welcome small town girl and farm kid Rosie Sanderson who shares her family's proud farming history and tells her story with the hope of educating others about farming and agriculture.  If I told you I grew up in a town with a population...

- Cody Of H&k Farms
Today we welcome back Kathy of H&K Farms. Kathy has shared her story on this blog before, but is returning today to tell the story of her son and his place in agriculture as a tribute to his 18th birthday.  Hello, this is Kathy Hasekamp of H&K...

