Garden Hygiene

Garden Hygiene

Garden Hygiene
I wonder if you ever thought of Garden Hygiene.
You must have notice that the Mali brings his own tools to attend to your garden, Note he used the same tools in other gardens, cleaning, pruning , Cutting. The same tools  are now used in your garden, which carries infection. As he has been cutting, pruning irrespective of the plant is infected or not.
In order to safe guard your garden, it is suggested that the Mali uses your      instruments, keeping his out of the Garden.
As regards your tools, always place them in a solution of Potassium permanganate to ensure it is clean.
Please do not keep any garbage in the garden.
When you up root an infected plant, after doing so also dig 6-8 inches in a circle as wide and also throw away the soil as it also contains infection of the up rooted plant
This small note will keep your garden blooming

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