Differences b/w Animal- and Wind-Pollinated Plants? | E-AgriBusiness

Differences b/w Animal- and Wind-Pollinated Plants? | E-AgriBusiness

Differences b/w Animal- and Wind-Pollinated Plants? | E-AgriBusiness

- Compositae
CompositaeIn number of species, the family Compositae or Asteraceae, commonly known as the sunflower family, is among the largest families of flowering plants. The Compositae family consists of more than eleven hundred genera worldwide and possibly as...

- Pollination
PollinationPollination involves the transfer of pollen fromanther to stigma in flowering plants, or from male cone to ovules in gymnosperms. There are two different types of pollination: self-pollination and cross-pollination. Pollination is the process,...

- Anatomical Differences Between Crop And Weed
The amount of spray retention by foliage after postemergence applications can affect selectivity. This selectivity is usually due to the crop plant?s having a waxy cuticle that repels the spray solution.Examples include onions, peas, cereal grains, Brassica...

- What Is Agribusiness?
In short, agribusiness is the business of farming. However, the word is a loaded term, especially among critics of corporate farming. For people who view large-scale commercial farming negatively, agribusiness is the antithesis of traditional small-scale...

- What Are The Different Types Of Agriculture Jobs?
When you think about agriculture, farming may come to mind. However, many other types of agricultural employment. Agricultural employment as a common agribusiness, agriscience, are divided into different categories as animal breeding and agriculture inspections....

