Crop geometry
Crop geometry refers to the shape of the space available for individual plants. It influences crop yield through its influence on light interception, rooting pattern and moisture extraction pattern. Crop geometry is altered by changing inter and intra-row spacing (Planting pattern).
? Wider spaced crops have advantage under this geometry
? Plants which requires no restriction in all directions are given square geometry
? Usually perennial vegetations like trees/shrubs are under this arrangements (i) Square planting - Square arrangements of plants will be more efficient in the utilization of light, water and nutrients available to the individual plants than in a rectangular arrangement.
(ii) Rectangular planting - Sowing the crop with seed drill, wider inter-row and closer intra-row and closer intra-row spacing leads to rectangularity. Rectangular arrangement facilitates easy intercultivation. Rectangular planting mainly suits annual crops, crops with closer spacing etc., the wider section (row) is given for irrigation, intercultural operation etc.
? It is an arrangement to restrict the endless growth habit in order to switch over from vegetation to the productive phase.
? This method accommodate high density planting
? It can facilitate intercropping also.
(iii) Triangular planting - It is a method to accommodate plant density under perennial/tree crops.
(iv) Miscellaneous planting - In rice and ragi transplanting is done either in rows or at random. Skipping of every alternate row is known as skip row planting. When one row is skipped the density is adjusted by decreasing inter-row spacing. When the inter row spacing is reduced between two rows and spacing between two such pair are increased then it is known as pairedrow planting. It is generally done to introduce an inter crop.
Cropping System
principle of cropping systemCropping system The way or pattern in which different crop are grown or cultivated same time in a same field is known as cropping system. We can divided cropping system into two terms such as a) Mixed cropping and b) Inter...
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[email protected]) Most of your garden scheduling has been theoretical. You've given idea to the vegetables you want to grow, what you're going to do...
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