Along with agriculture comes...personal growth!!

Along with agriculture comes...personal growth!!

Good morning!! About 15 minutes ago my high school had a motivational speak name Retro Bill. Do not be fooled by the name people, this man has inspired me. I have heard great speakers in my 15 years, but Retro Bill's presentation really gave myself a "self check-up". He talked about the importance of pursing your dreams and being positive to get there. People can throw "stingers" (off of Jersey Shore, I thought it sound cool)...stingers are mean things people say to you, but all you haft to remember is that you are amazing! Retro Bill was fueling our self esteem because people today are constantly tearing it down!! But I would like you to know that you can do anything, you haft to have determination that you can and will achieve your dreams. For more information about Retro Bill here is a link to his website! 

FFA is another constant cheerleader for personal growth, we need to support our local chapters!! Have a great day and remember you are a winner :)

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