Agriculture = Life

Agriculture = Life

I believe in the future of agriculture faith born not of deed but of words!! That is the very first sentence in the FFA creed. This year I plan to learn the whole creed and then compete against other FFA members to become the best on to say it! I love FFA.

Most people think FFA stands for Future, Farmers of America, WRONG!! It was changed in 1988 to The National FFA Organization to diffuse (thats a vocab word meaning widely spread) the areas of agriculture. FFA teaches kids to become a leader, have responsibility and to be a leader and stand out! I want to be a leader and not a follower and most people would agree with me that that's what they want to be too!

FFA opens many doors, and is the largest club at my High School! I will keep you updated on my process and my clubs process. There are 1,129 colleges, universities, and schools related to ag...and I plan to go to one of them. My plans in life is to become and Agriculture Extension Educator basically what they do is inform the public about agriculture and educate them. I think this is a great job because I am kind of already doing it. I am educating you about the world of Agriculture, and I plan to educate more! :) - Linds <3

- Ball State University Redifined (journalism) ..i Think So!
Yesterday, I got to be excused from school to attend High School Journalism Day! With happy intentions, my brain gearing up to learn I was very concerned and a little outraged of my experiences. This is not against Ball State at all! What a beautiful...

- A Story Of A Ag Student!
I was in the FFA in the 80's when Ag classes and FFA was about agriculture and not credits, we had 30 kids in FFA in a high school with 2000 students. The town we lived in had about 100,000 pepole in it. (3 High schools) We had 2 AG teachers/FFA advisers,...

- Watch What You Say!!
Recently, I have been aware that young adults are posting and really thinking about what they are posting. 93% 12 to 17 year old use the internet in 2009. What are they posting and how are they posting it? When posting think of someone who you respect...

- Infinte Poetenial
I believe in the future of agriculture with a faith born not of words but of deeds. The very first line of the FFA Creed, its powerful, its inviting and inspirational. What dose it mean to you?!   ...

- Teach Ag
Many of you who are reading this have had some sort of education (hence your ability to read). Right? In fact you may be in college or even in the grown up world of business and hourly wages. So I think it is safe to say that teachers were a crucial part...

